Medical Laboratory Week

  1. 1. Gets to the heart of the matter.
  2. 6. You get the point.
  3. 7. Can't live without it!
  4. 8. Component of blood.
  5. 10. Couldn't do our jobs with out you!
  6. 11. Not a type of TV.
  7. 14. All the better to see you with.
  8. 15. Stop the germ spread.
  9. 16. Point on one end, plunger on the other.
  10. 18. Not a "Vampire"
  11. 21. Not your average Q-tip!
  12. 22. Has wings.
  1. 2. Round and round it goes.
  2. 3. BLOOD CELL Pocket purse of hemoglobin.
  3. 4. Phlebotomists love to find them, as so often they hide!
  4. 5. This department likes both red and white.
  5. 7. Some lab garbage.
  6. 8. Right Now!
  7. 9. Yes, we can read what the Doctor wrote on it...usually!
  8. 12. Lab person in the know.
  9. 13. When you need it, we make sure it's right for you.
  10. 17. A little lab gift.
  11. 19. Chocolate, Yellow, or Black?
  12. 20. A little "buggy" department.