Medical Lingo To Know

  1. 2. Authorization granted by PCP allowing another provider to treat them
  2. 3. Listing of contracted physicians/hospitals that a patient may go to for maximum benefits
  3. 6. Physician that orchestrates the medical process for a patient
  4. 7. Provider does not have a contract with an insurance company
  5. 9. A type of insurance plan that covers only a certain number of benefits or limits the amount of coverage it will pay on benefits
  6. 10. Function performed by the insurance company to determine medical necessity of a service
  1. 1. Provider has a legal contract with an insurance company
  2. 4. Physician who refers the patient on for specialty care
  3. 5. Plan in which an employer can bundle or pick and choose benefits for its members to better control healthcare costs
  4. 8. Physician/Hospital who does not have a contract with an insurance company