Medical Mycology

  1. 3. Teleomorph: unknown
  2. 7. causes Pityriasis Versicolor
  3. 8. In 1889 created genus Malassezia
  4. 9. Teleomorph: Ninnizzia
  5. 10. Type of hair invation: outside hair shaft
  6. 12. solated from scalp of an AIDS patient
  7. 13. Clinical types: groin
  8. 15. Dermatophytosis' circular lesions:Greek
  9. 18. Natural habitat: Human
  10. 20. Natural habitat: Soil
  1. 1. first who observed tenia nigra in Brazil
  2. 2. Dermatophytosis' circular lesions:English
  3. 4. infection of keratinized tissues
  4. 5. Infectious Teleomorph: Anthroderma
  5. 6. lesions resembles acne(papules&pustules)
  6. 11. first isolated from Indian rhinoceros
  7. 14. Clinical types: nails
  8. 16. Natural habitat: Animals
  9. 17. bright greenish yellow fluorescence
  10. 19. a chronic fungal infection of hair shaft