Medical Quiz!!!

  1. 1. A liquid that pours out of your body after the muscle or fat has been penetrated and when coming into contact with oxygen turns red
  2. 2. The characteristic of good health and when someone is seen that looks fit they are assumed to be _______
  3. 4. A process in which a body part such as a limb must be cut off to prevent a disease spreading to other parts of the body
  4. 7. A very deadly disease if not treated and the disease name starts with the letter"c"
  5. 8. An organ that pumps blood and is located in your chest
  1. 1. A medical tool used to cut bones
  2. 3. A successful treatment restoring something to health
  3. 5. This is what is used to cure a person with a disease
  4. 6. An organ located in the head