Medical Science

  1. 4. They take blood away from the heart (Oxygenated)
  2. 5. Taking deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
  3. 9. Controls the direction of Blood flow.
  4. 10. Tube that takes air to your lungs (Wind pipe)
  5. 11. Taking oxygenated blood from the lungs.
  6. 13. These are very small sacs coverned in capillarys
  7. 14. They carry oxygenated blood and lead to the Heart.
  1. 1. Small Branches that take air deeper to lungs.
  2. 2. Main vein that take blood to the heart.
  3. 3. This is the cartilage that divides the Heart in 2.
  4. 6. Lower chamber of the right side of Heart.
  5. 7. Tubes leading to each lung and deliver air.
  6. 8. Microscopically small BC that carry Oxygen.
  7. 12. Atrium Upper Chamber of the right side of heart.