Medical Specialties

  1. 3. Treats eye conditions
  2. 6. Treatment of nerves and nervous system
  3. 8. Deals with heart problems
  4. 10. Respiratory system problems
  5. 12. treats mental illnesses
  6. 15. Stomach issues
  7. 16. Deals with blood diseases
  8. 17. Treats female anatomy
  9. 18. Pt's sensitive to foods, pollens, etc.
  10. 20. Cares for pregnant pt's
  1. 1. Uses radioactive substances to treat pt's
  2. 2. Skin disorders
  3. 4. Deals with glandular issues
  4. 5. Specializes in cancer and tumors
  5. 7. Specializes in urinary system
  6. 9. Deals with kidneys
  7. 11. Treats and operates on bones
  8. 13. Administers anesthesia to pts having sx
  9. 14. Treatment from birth to 18 years
  10. 19. Family doctor