Medical & Surgerical Puzzle Diabetes by Karen Foster

  1. 3. Occurs during pregnancy
  2. 7. Diabetics are subject to infection.
  3. 11. Pituitary gland
  4. 12. Cells develop a resistance to insulin.
  5. 13. A process or strategy used to prevent and maintain weight.
  6. 15. Disorders of the pancreas.
  7. 18. Low blood glucose level.
  8. 19. The normal or elevated blood glucose level which occurs at bedtime usually at 2 and 3a.m.
  1. 1. Weight loss and exercise can delay onset of diabetes.
  2. 2. A result of deficiency in insulin
  3. 4. May be caused by nocturnal release of growth hormone which usually occurs in the morning between 5 and 8a.m.
  4. 5. When the body attempts to metabolize stores fats for energy.
  5. 6. Method used to determine an increase in ketone.
  6. 8. Oral glucose tolerance test
  7. 9. A progressive rise in the blood glucose level from bedtime to morning.
  8. 10. Fruity breath, hot skin, and deep respirations.
  9. 14. Little or no insulin
  10. 16. High blood glucose level.
  11. 17. Insulin drug
  12. 20. A prefilled device used to store insulin for future usage.