Medical Technology

  1. 2. counter-ion of sodium in ECF
  2. 6. adult tapeworm segments
  3. 9. reagent widely used for bilirubin
  4. 12. product of lysine decarboxylation
  5. 13. bronchodilator drug
  6. 15. antibodies seen in EBV infection
  7. 16. a dye originated from lichens
  8. 18. major component of urinary casts
  9. 19. cells counted using Miller eye disc
  10. 20. reference method for glucose
  1. 1. antigen used in RPR test
  2. 3. based on the nitroprusside reaction
  3. 4. resembles mast cells
  4. 5. main source for polyclonal antibodies
  5. 7. not detected in Cyanmeth method
  6. 8. used to remove mercurial pigments
  7. 10. other term for Loa loa
  8. 11. smallest DNA virus
  9. 14. most expensive anticoagulant
  10. 17. swarming colonies