- 1. A blood vessel that carries de-oxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart.
- 4. Inflammation of the liver.
- 8. A lack of water in the body. 46
- 11. Body, A part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus
- 14. System in the nervous system that consists of the brain & spinal cord. HINT: It´s the abbreviation.
- 15. Inflammation of the pancreas.
- 20. Acid, The building blocks of proteins
- 22. When the food material is broken down (Mechanically and Chemically).
- 23. Visual examination of abdominal cavity
- 24. A blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.
- 27. A protrusion of an organ or the muscular wall of an organ.
- 30. Piece of cartilage that prevents food from entering the windpipe and lungs.
- 32. One of two tubes leading from kidneys to the urinary bladder (urine passes through it).33
- 33. Membrane, Organelle in the cell that protects the cell and acts as a selectively permeable barrier.
- 36. The major nitrogenous waste excreted in urine
- 37. A pancreatic enzyme that allows the body to digest fats.
- 38. An individual nerve cell HINT: There are billions of them
- 40. Part of the respiratory system that contains the vocal cords, and is also referred to as the ¨voice box¨
- 41. Medical term for red blood cells that carry O2 from lungs to the rest of the body.
- 45. Forming a mouth-like opening in the trachea with the purpose of inserting a tube to allow passage of air or remove mucus.
- 46. When the digested food is passed into the blood stream and nutrients travel to all cells of body.
- 47. Organelle that provides the main source of energy (ATP).
- 49. Double-layered membrane that surrounds each lung
- 50. Part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements and allows to maintain balance.
- 2. Also known as a nose bleed.
- 3. A term that means ´chewing.´
- 5. Space between neurons, in which an impulse travels through.
- 6. A collection of fibers that carry electrical impulses throughout the body to the brain.
- 7. A condition characterized by a slow heartbeat. 41
- 9. Means NOT cancerous
- 10. Substance given to patients to stop infections caused specifically by bacteria.
- 12. Inflammation of the gums.
- 13. Difficulty swallowing or eating.
- 16. A flow/discharge of bowel movements.
- 17. Smallest living unit of life.
- 18. Another way of saying ¨simple sugar¨
- 19. A discharge (of mucus) in the nose, also known as a runny nose.
- 21. Top part of a lung
- 25. dark feces with digested blood.
- 26. Lower portion of lung
- 28. The tail on a male sperm cell that makes it mobile
- 29. Medical term for a newborn child.
- 31. Hormone produced by pancreas that regulates glucose levels in the blood.
- 34. Also known as white blood cells.
- 35. Glucose when stores in liver cells
- 39. First part of the large intestine
- 42. Process of breaking down complex foods to produce and release energy.
- 43. When food material is taken into the mouth.
- 44. Hormone produced that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow.
- 48. Visual examination of the colon