Medical Term Team A

  1. 2. healing the mind
  2. 6. a back bone
  3. 8. process of recording
  4. 9. to look at
  5. 13. back bones
  6. 15. above
  7. 16. suffix - rupture
  8. 18. study of blood
  9. 20. disease of the gland
  1. 1. muscle disease
  2. 3. process of measuring
  3. 4. containing water
  4. 5. recording of the heart activity
  5. 7. suffix - excessive bleeding
  6. 10. suffix - sagging
  7. 11. new
  8. 12. skin
  9. 14. abnormal softening of gland
  10. 17. complete paralysis of skeletal muscles
  11. 19. coming into being