- 1. downward displacement
- 4. pertaining to electricity
- 7. small sacs
- 11. increase urination
- 12. communication between stomach and first part of small intestine
- 15. pertaining to saliva
- 17. sustained muscle contraction
- 19. pertaining to the nucleus
- 20. blockage in a vessel
- 21. heart
- 23. plastic repair of the nose
- 25. pertaining to urine
- 1. care or treatment of child
- 2. narrowing of the canal
- 3. study of function in a living organism
- 5. cancer of white blood cells
- 6. false name
- 7. loss of sensation
- 8. pertaining to a vein
- 9. first
- 10. difficult or abnormal
- 11. pertaining to the diet
- 13. kneecap
- 14. pertaining to the pelvis
- 16. tip or peak
- 18. pertaining to circulation
- 22. the fundamental unit of a word
- 24. illusion