Medical Terminology #11

  1. 4. spleen, organ that stores an filters blood
  2. 5. large, enlargement
  3. 6. lump, clot, thickening, coagulation
  4. 7. ball, cluster, rounded mass
  5. 9. before, before in time, situated in front of
  6. 12. within, situated within
  7. 15. cold
  8. 16. pull, draw, connection
  9. 18. nipple
  10. 19. beneath, situated or occurring beneath
  11. 20. bad, irregular, abnormal
  12. 22. out, away from outside of
  13. 23. flesh, fleshy material
  1. 1. loins, sides of the back next to the spine
  2. 2. paralysis, stroke, loss of power
  3. 3. offspring, production
  4. 6. swelling, mass
  5. 8. child, children
  6. 10. stretch
  7. 11. entrance, space around an entrance or canal
  8. 12. between, situated or occurring between
  9. 13. away from
  10. 14. sleep
  11. 17. drug, medicine
  12. 21. speech, babbling