Medical Terminology

  1. 3. Space below the abdominal cavity
  2. 5. red blood cell
  3. 6. Space inside the spinal column
  4. 8. Aden/o
  5. 11. cyan/o
  6. 12. carcinoma
  7. 13. diagnosis
  8. 15. Name of a person
  9. 16. system/o
  10. 18. cyt/o
  11. 19. fibr/o
  12. 20. gno/o
  1. 1. metastases
  2. 2. white blood cell
  3. 4. space inside the skull containing the brain
  4. 7. prognosis
  5. 8. chlo/o
  6. 9. Space below the diaphragm
  7. 10. erythr/o
  8. 12. chemotherapy
  9. 14. radiation therapy
  10. 17. From the first letter of words