Medical Terminology

  1. 2. latin adjective for cattle
  2. 5. towards the head
  3. 8. on the surface of the palm
  4. 10. latin adjective for swine/pigs
  5. 12. the back side, spine side
  6. 13. latin adjective for dogs
  7. 16. towards the tail(bone)
  8. 18. the front side, belly side
  9. 19. latin adjective for cats
  10. 20. latin adjective for birds
  1. 1. on the surface of the foot
  2. 3. latin adjective for sheep
  3. 4. further from the body or start of the limb
  4. 6. latin adjective for rabbits
  5. 7. closer to the body or start of the limb
  6. 8. latin adjective for fish
  7. 9. latin adjective for tortious/turtles
  8. 11. latin adjective for guinea pigs
  9. 14. latin adjective for horses
  10. 15. latin adjective for goats
  11. 17. latin adjective for mouse/rats