Medical Terminology

  1. 6. x-rays used to create detailed pictures of the heart
  2. 7. a sudden loss of brain function caused by an interruption in the supply of blood
  3. 9. networks of small vessels that perfuse tissue
  4. 10. disease
  5. 11. problem with rhythm of your heartbeat
  6. 13. heart
  7. 16. portable device that records rhythm of the heart
  8. 17. heart failure
  9. 18. vessels that deliver blood to tissue
  10. 19. when this muscle doesn't pump blood as it should
  11. 22. records electrical signal
  12. 23. arterial fibrillation
  13. 24. without
  14. 25. two
  1. 1. thickest layer in the arteries
  2. 2. oxygen rich blood is blocked from the heart muscles
  3. 3. pertaining to
  4. 4. magnetric resonance imaging
  5. 5. deep vein thrombosis
  6. 8. effects the blood flowing in the correct direction
  7. 12. pumps blood through the system
  8. 14. vessels that return blood to the heart
  9. 15. ultrasound of the heart
  10. 20. blood pressure
  11. 21. cardiac care unit