Medical Terminology

  1. 2. hair not growing where it's supposed to
  2. 4. sucking fat out
  3. 7. hard protein found in epidermis, hair, and nails
  4. 8. a collection of dried serum and cellular debris
  5. 10. oily stuff secreted y the sebaceious gland
  6. 11. an open sore on the skin or mucous membranes
  7. 13. skin pigment
  8. 14. smooth, swollen papule or plaque that is redder in the middle than the surrounding skin and it usually itches
  9. 15. outermost layer of the skin
  10. 17. very dry skin
  1. 1. fat cell
  2. 3. skin condition with deficient pigment
  3. 5. a mole
  4. 6. a flat pigmented lesion measuring less than 1 cm, like freckles
  5. 9. itching
  6. 12. small, pinpoint hemorrhage
  7. 16. arranged in layers