Medical terminology

  1. 3. Fast heart rate.
  2. 8. Away from center.
  3. 11. Below normal blood flow to vital organs.
  4. 12. Closer to midline.
  5. 13. Towards the center.
  6. 14. Study of the heart.
  7. 15. Study of the mind.
  8. 16. Closer to the feet.
  1. 1. Black tarry stools typically seen in GI bleeds.
  2. 2. Occurring before birth.
  3. 4. Blue discoloration of the skin.
  4. 5. Bending of a joint.
  5. 6. Front surface of the body.
  6. 7. Straightening of a joint.
  7. 9. Farthest from point of attachment.
  8. 10. Red blood cells that contain hemoglobin to carry oxygen.