Medical Terminology

  1. 5. / Instrument used to measure pressure
  2. 8. / Artery
  3. 13. / Condition in which an artery has a weakened wall, causing it to swell, like a balloon
  4. 15. / Enlarged heart
  5. 16. / Inner or Within
  6. 18. / The middle, muscular layer that contracts to pump blood
  7. 19. / Blood
  8. 21. / A test that uses ultrasound to look at the heart and its vessels
  9. 22. ultrasonography / This test uses ultrasound to look at blood going through blood vessels to determine if they are narrowed or have a thrombus
  10. 23. infarction / Heart Attack
  11. 26. / Instrument for viewing
  12. 27. / A procedure done in a specialized area of radiology
  13. 30. / Blood vessels located throughout your body that collect oxygen-poor blood and return it to your heart
  14. 32. / Made of Cardiovascular muscle and divided into 4 chambers
  1. 1. / Lung
  2. 2. / Have thick walls and carry blood away from the heart
  3. 3. / Blood Pressure
  4. 4. artery Disease / Narrowing in the arteries surrounding the heart
  5. 6. / Emergency Department
  6. 7. / High blood pressure
  7. 9. / Electrocardiography
  8. 10. / Vein
  9. 11. / Hardening of the arteries (Cause of heart disease)
  10. 12. / Rapid Heart Rate
  11. 14. / Muscle
  12. 17. / Heart
  13. 20. / Tiny blood vessels that transport blood, nutrients and oxygen to cells
  14. 24. heart failure / Condition in which the heart is not efficiently pumping from the left ventricle, causing reduced blood flow
  15. 25. / Middle
  16. 28. septum / The wall between the right and left atria
  17. 29. / Cardiovascular
  18. 31. / Echocardiogram