Medical Terminology

  1. 2. removal of yellow, fatty plaque
  2. 6. away from the point of attachment
  3. 7. field that divides the body into upper and lower portions
  4. 8. pertaining to below
  5. 11. coronary artery disease
  6. 12. divides the body into right and left sides
  7. 13. a patient who is large in frame and stature
  8. 16. pertaining to two sides
  9. 17. congestive heart failure
  10. 18. identifies particular conditions, test, or procedures
  1. 1. around the heart
  2. 3. decrease in pressure
  3. 4. system composed of the heart, blood, and blood vessels
  4. 5. toward the belly
  5. 9. pertaining to the front
  6. 10. inflammation of a vein
  7. 11. towards the head
  8. 14. tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, aortic
  9. 15. introduces concepts or treatments