Medical Terminology

  1. 4. gland that produces insulin
  2. 5. where the exchange of atmospheric oxygen and waste carbon dioxide take place
  3. 6. egg-producing organs within the female reproductive system
  4. 8. places where bones meet
  5. 10. System of glands that produce hormones
  6. 13. specialized involuntary muscle only found in the hear
  7. 15. medial bone of the forearm
  8. 16. used as a reservoir for urine
  9. 17. Bone of the upper arm
  10. 20. Muscular structure that divides the chest cavity from abdominal cavity
  1. 1. hormone produced by the pancreas
  2. 2. Stores bile produced in the liver
  3. 3. Components of the blood; carry oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from the cells
  4. 7. used to filter blood and regulate fluid levels in the body
  5. 9. The "windpipe"
  6. 11. system that contains the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
  7. 12. lower jawbone
  8. 14. large bone in the thigh
  9. 18. where the digestion of food begins
  10. 19. main artery that carries blood away from the heart