Medical Terminology

  1. 2. abbreviation meaning as needed
  2. 5. blood glucose level of 250 mg/dL
  3. 11. when a practitioner provides all of the information related to specific treatment options and allows the client to decide which is best for them
  4. 13. polyuria is a symptom of this condition
  5. 14. too much fiber with inadequate fluid intake can cause this, as can opioids
  6. 15. inappropriate simplified speech
  7. 16. abbreviation meaning once per day
  8. 17. abbreviation meaning twice per day
  9. 18. abbreviation meaning three times per day
  10. 21. a child with Hispanic heritage invites over an American friend and asks his parents to make hamburgers for dinner
  11. 22. acute and reversible
  12. 23. the nurse recommends salmon to the client with this condition
  1. 1. clients with this condition may be prescribed diuretics
  2. 3. blood glucose level of 54 mg/dL
  3. 4. respiratory rate of 6
  4. 6. pallor is a symptom associated with this condition
  5. 7. heart rate of 45
  6. 8. gradual onset and irreversible
  7. 9. after teaching a client how to give themselves insulin, the client responds "I can do this!"
  8. 10. suffix meaning disintegration of a cell by rupture
  9. 12. abbreviation meaning drop
  10. 19. too much sugar causing holes that grow bigger and deeper over time
  11. 20. a nurse tells their Peruvian client that eating guinea pig is disgusting