Medical Terminology

  1. 2. instrument to view stomach
  2. 3. condition of blood in urine
  3. 5. pertaining to after menopause
  4. 7. condition of urea in blood
  5. 8. incision into a bone
  6. 10. absence of breathing
  7. 12. pertaining to nerve pain
  8. 13. condition of less than normal calcium in the blood
  9. 15. pain in joint
  10. 16. condition of difficulty swallowing
  11. 18. process of viewing the urinary bladder
  12. 20. pertaining to the top layer of the skin
  13. 22. enlargement of the liver
  14. 23. condition of excessive sugar in blood
  15. 24. condition of decreased bone density
  16. 26. condition of abnormal hardening of the arteries
  17. 28. inflammation of mouth
  18. 29. inflammation of bone and bone marrow
  1. 1. incision into the skull
  2. 4. pertaining to through the urethra
  3. 6. the formation or production of bone
  4. 9. surgical removal of the tonsils
  5. 11. surgical excision of half of the stomach
  6. 14. surgical repair of nose
  7. 17. inflammation of the kidney
  8. 19. tissue surrounding the heart
  9. 21. inflammation of gallbladder
  10. 25. person who specialises in the study of blood
  11. 27. inflammation of the brain