Medical Terminology 16

  1. 2. persisting ringing.
  2. 3. use of water to wash out the ear
  3. 5. pink eye
  4. 7. inflammation in the middle of the ear
  5. 9. the white in your eye
  6. 11. pertaining to tears
  7. 12. medical specialist in the diseases of the ear
  8. 13. an infection transmitted person to person
  9. 16. increased intrasaccular pressure
  10. 18. inflammation of the lacrimal sac
  11. 19. instruments for deterring intraocular pressure
  12. 21. able to see close objects but unable to see distance
  13. 22. ear stone
  14. 23. specialist in evaluation of hearing function
  15. 24. sensation of spinning
  16. 27. someone who is licensed to make corrective lenses
  17. 29. pertaining to the inside of the eye
  18. 31. instrument for examining
  19. 32. surgical incision
  20. 36. someone who is skilled in the measurement of vision but cannot treat eye diseases
  21. 38. condition in which light produces pain in the eye
  22. 40. waxy section of cerumen
  23. 41. focal dilation of retinal
  24. 42. three-dimensional vision
  25. 44. surgery to remove corneal tissue
  1. 1. destructive of or preventing growth or bacteria
  2. 4. degenerative disease of the retina
  3. 6. letter chart the vision test
  4. 8. acuity sharpness and clearness of vision
  5. 10. incomplete development of vision to the brain
  6. 14. pertaining to the vision or to the eye
  7. 15. scoop shaped instrument
  8. 17. inability to focus light ray that enters the eye
  9. 20. fear of the light
  10. 22. sight
  11. 25. pertaining to the tympanic membrane
  12. 26. body the muscles that make the lens of the eye
  13. 28. punctured with one or more holes
  14. 30. repair of a detached retina by freezing it
  15. 31. instrument for viewing the retina
  16. 33. pertaining to the base structure
  17. 34. complete or partial opacity of the lens
  18. 35. media inflammation of the middle of the ear
  19. 37. contraction of the pupil
  20. 39. difficulty in nearsighted vision occurring in the middle
  21. 43. a small bone