Medical terminology

  1. 2. Downward movement of a body part
  2. 7. To bend
  3. 8. Movement around a central axis
  4. 10. Towards the mid-line
  5. 13. farthest away from the median plane
  6. 15. To the side
  7. 18. Movement of a body part backward
  8. 19. plane Divides the body into top and bottom parts
  9. 21. Pertaining to the palm of the hand
  10. 22. Front of the body
  11. 24. plane divides the body into left and right parts
  1. 1. Lying face down
  2. 3. opposite of prone
  3. 4. Sole of the foot turned outward
  4. 5. plane divides the body into equal left and right parts
  5. 6. Sole of the foot turned inward
  6. 9. Situated above
  7. 11. Opposite of flexion
  8. 12. Pertaining to the sole of the foot
  9. 14. Opposite of superior
  10. 16. Movement of a body part forward
  11. 17. Back of the body
  12. 20. Away from the mid-line
  13. 23. raising a body part