Medical Terminology

  1. 5. The clinical specialty concerned with the kidneys
  2. 8. Joint pain
  3. 10. The opposite of posterior
  4. 11. The British spelling of the surgical specialty concerned with bones
  5. 14. Removal of the thyroid
  6. 16. A directional term for limbs, meaning close to the body
  1. 1. Difficulty breathing
  2. 2. Inflammation of the bladder
  3. 3. Disease of the retina
  4. 4. An enlarged liver
  5. 6. A directional term meaning away from the middle
  6. 7. The clinical specialty concerned with the heart
  7. 9. The creation of an opening into the colon
  8. 12. The anatomical plane that divides the body into front and back sections
  9. 13. Using an instrument to look at your insides
  10. 15. The American spelling of the technical name for the food pipe