Medical Terminology

  1. 1. Sound produced by friction between bone and cartilage
  2. 4. Pointing toes outward from the neutral position
  3. 5. The brain is ____ to the skull
  4. 7. Sudden onset injury
  5. 13. Movement towards the midline of the body
  6. 15. Knees are bent outwards
  7. 17. Towards the front of the body
  8. 18. The chest is ____ to the arms
  9. 20. Heat, Ice, Tape
  10. 22. Rotating towards the midline
  11. 24. Rotating the forearm away from the body
  12. 28. Straightening a limb after flexion
  13. 33. Hip abductions
  14. 36. Also known as a bruise
  15. 37. Towards the back of the body
  16. 39. The hand is _____ to the shoulder
  17. 41. Peripheral nervous system
  18. 42. DOB
  19. 43. The head is _____ to the legs
  20. 45. Injury with long-duration
  21. 47. Upper arm bone goes out of the shoulder socket
  22. 48. Swelling in the joint
  23. 49. Bicep curl
  24. 50. Lying face up
  25. 51. Tearing of ligaments
  26. 52. Bringing toes towards midline
  27. 53. Tearing of muscles or tendons
  1. 2. SOB
  2. 3. You experience shoulder pain with a gallbladder injury
  3. 6. Swelling of tissue
  4. 8. Rotating away from the midline
  5. 9. The hand is ____ to the shoulder
  6. 10. Rotating the forearm toward the body
  7. 11. Incomplete separation of a joint
  8. 12. Connects bone to bone
  9. 14. Flexing your feet
  10. 16. The wrist is _____ to the hand
  11. 19. Looseness of a joint
  12. 21. Connects muscle to bone
  13. 23. Pointing your toes
  14. 25. Bottom of the foot
  15. 26. Central nervous system
  16. 27. Extending part past its resting anatomical position
  17. 29. You experience pain when an area is palpated
  18. 30. Bleeding underneath the skin
  19. 31. Lying face down
  20. 32. The arms are _____ to the chest
  21. 34. Top of the foot
  22. 35. Body's response to an injury
  23. 38. Ribs are _____ to lungs
  24. 40. ROM
  25. 44. Knees are bent inwards
  26. 46. CC