Medical Terminology

  1. 1. dead matter that is sloughed off from the surface of the skin, especially after a burn
  2. 4. suffix meaning abnormal condition of hardening
  3. 6. allergic reaction of the skin characterized by the eruption of pale red, elevated patches called wheals or hives
  4. 13. abbreviation for anteroposterior
  5. 14. word root for skin
  6. 16. prefix meaning self, own
  7. 19. prefix meaning around
  8. 20. when cancer spreads to multiple parts of the body
  9. 21. prefix meaning under, below
  10. 22. prefix meaning rapid
  11. 24. suffix for condition
  12. 27. the physician who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases
  13. 28. Greek or Latin term for mouth
  14. 31. surgical procedure in which a surgeon forms an opening by drawing the healthy end of the colon through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and suturing it into place
  1. 2. protrusion of any organ, tissue, or structure through the wall of the cavity in which it is naturally contained
  2. 3. the largest glandular organ in the body
  3. 5. the cavity divided into the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavity
  4. 7. suffix for inflammation
  5. 8. sudden breaking or bursting of a structure or organ
  6. 9. excessive acidity of body fluids
  7. 10. the area of the nail where new growth occurs
  8. 11. the space between the right and left lungs
  9. 12. suffix meaning involuntary contraction, twitching
  10. 15. suffix for cell
  11. 17. surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the neck and into the trachea into which a breathing tube may be inserted
  12. 18. a large muscular partition that lies between the chest and abdominal cavities
  13. 23. someone who is unable to produce melanin
  14. 25. prefix for many, much
  15. 26. suffix meaning poison
  16. 29. suffix for tumor
  17. 30. objective indicators that are observable