Medical Terminology

  1. 2. Element:gastr-,digests food
  2. 4. Element:-rrhaphy,"stitching"up a wound
  3. 5. Element:ophthalm-,sight
  4. 7. Element:acro-,another term for limbs
  5. 12. Element:mening-,muscus ______
  6. 14. Element:thorac-,____ cavity
  7. 15. Element:oophor-,female reproductive cell
  1. 1. Element:malign-,think of the difference between a begnin and malignent tumor
  2. 2. Element:-crine,what is a role of the Endocrine system
  3. 3. Element:edema,growing larger
  4. 6. Element:encephal,sends electrical impulses
  5. 8. Element:-itis,test in flames
  6. 9. Element:brady-,not very fast
  7. 10. Element:spondyl-,rows and _______
  8. 11. Elemnent:ren,filter blood
  9. 13. Element:chole-,produced by the liver