Medical terminology

  1. 1. This is the full word of the shortened version of "path"
  2. 3. Adverse drug reaction abbreviation added to medical charts
  3. 7. This type of anaesthetic puts the patient into an unconscious state
  4. 9. When confirming patient details we must ask for this.
  5. 10. This is a shortened word for echocardiogram an investigation of the heart
  6. 11. A big muscle that pumps blood around the body
  7. 16. The patient is given an Rx to take home, what does this abbreviation stand for?
  8. 17. AB's are a medication used to treat infections
  9. 18. Where do you find documentation related to the patient?
  10. 19. What is the largest organ in the human body.
  1. 2. This is a shortened version of local anaesthetic
  2. 4. This medical condition relates to unstable sugar levels in the blood
  3. 5. NOK refers to the family member of a patient listed as their contact person.(3 words)
  4. 6. The patient is having IV medication, what does IV stand for?
  5. 8. Dial 9 on the hospital phone to get through to here
  6. 9. The notes have Dx written by the doctor, what does this stand for?
  7. 12. What is the acronym of a urinary tract infection?
  8. 13. Another word for moving around starting with M
  9. 14. The patient has had a MSU collected what is this a specimen of?
  10. 15. This is a code to indicate a medical emergency
  11. 18. What is the name given to special clothing worn in a patient's room who is in isolation?