Medical Terminology

  1. 2. suffix for infection/inflammation
  2. 3. the meaning of prefix "peri"
  3. 4. prefix for "difficult", "abnormal", or "painful"
  4. 7. suffix for tumor
  5. 9. prefix for "above" or "excessive"
  6. 11. prefix for "below" or "deficient"
  7. 13. the meaning of prefix "trans"
  8. 15. the meaning of prefix "hepat"
  9. 16. the meaning of prefix "arthr"
  10. 18. suffix for person who is specialized in something
  11. 19. the meaning of prefix "hem" or "hemat"
  12. 20. the meaning of prefixes "anti" and "contra"
  13. 22. the meaning of prefix "phleb"
  14. 23. suffix for removal
  15. 24. suffix for record
  1. 1. the meaning of prefixes "nephr" or "ren"
  2. 4. pertaining to difficulty speaking
  3. 5. suffix for visual examination
  4. 6. study of disease
  5. 8. suffix for pain
  6. 10. the meaning of prefixes "oss","oste","osse"
  7. 12. prefix for "under" or "below" and the beginning of a navy vessel that goes underwater
  8. 14. the meaning of prefixes "a" and "an"
  9. 17. the meaning of prefix "hist"
  10. 20. condition of decreased number of red blood cells
  11. 21. prefix for "self" and another word for a car