Medical Terminology

  1. 2. - Drug-eluting stent
  2. 6. - vessels that deliver blood to tissues.
  3. 8. -holter monitor
  4. 10. -cardiopulmonary exercise testing
  5. 11. - pumps blood through the system.
  6. 13. -Percutaneous coronary intervention
  7. 15. -blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart
  8. 16. - Heart.
  9. 19. - vessels that return blood to the heart.angi/o: Vessel.
  10. 20. - Atrium.
  11. 21. - networks of small vessels that perfuse tissues.
  1. 1. Complications -high blood pressure in the lungsHeart
  2. 3. -occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brainHeart Failure -
  3. 4. -Bare metal stent
  4. 5. -a problem with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeatHeart
  5. 7. - Echocardiogram
  6. 9. -Cardiac catheterization
  7. 12. - Aorta.
  8. 14. -Electrocardiogram
  9. 17. - Yellowish, fatty plaque.
  10. 18. - Artery.