medical terminology

  1. 4. resembling blood
  2. 6. a cancer arising in the skin or the lining of organs
  3. 12. study of snow and ice
  4. 13. A pool of mostly clotted blood that forms in an organ, tissue, or body space.
  5. 14. a tumor comprised of fatty tissue
  6. 17. the death of body tissue
  7. 20. surgical incision of an eyelid
  8. 22. potential to cause cancer
  9. 27. a chronic condition that causes an abnormal accumulation of painful adipose tissue
  10. 28. branch of zoology that studies crustaceans
  1. 1. person who studies crustaceans
  2. 2. a slow-growing, fatty lump
  3. 3. the dissection of the skin
  4. 5. the study of blood and blood disorders.
  5. 7. inflammation and deterioration of the portion of the optic nerve known as the optic disk.
  6. 8. painful condition of the skin
  7. 9. a fat-storing cell
  8. 10. dissection of a dead body
  9. 11. a list of people who have died, or an obituary of a single person
  10. 14. surgical removal of fat
  11. 15. destruction of tissue by freezing
  12. 16. a surgical examination of a dead body
  13. 18. inflammation of the eyelid
  14. 19. science that addresses the production and effects of very low temperatures
  15. 21. a tumor occurring in the glands of the intestines
  16. 23. a technique that is used to prepare thin and frozen sections of biological tissues
  17. 24. affected with, characterized by, or producing death of a usually localized area of living tissue
  18. 25. a substance for obtaining a low temperature
  19. 26. pertaining to skin