Medical Terminology

  1. 7. the formation or discharge
  2. 9. located behind the peritoneum
  3. 13. divides body into superior and inferior
  4. 14. inflammation of the stomach and small intestine
  5. 16. located below the stomach
  6. 19. rounded bony projection on the tibia and fibula on the sides of each ankle joint
  7. 20. the surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity tor move fluid for diagnostic procedures
  8. 24. a groove or crack like sore of the skin; also a normal fold in the contours
  9. 26. away from the point of attachment
  10. 28. plane, divides the body into equal right and left sides
  11. 29. inflammation of the bone
  12. 30. toward the midline
  13. 31. for surgical suturing
  14. 34. a prediction of the probable course and it come of a disease
  15. 37. blue discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of adequate oxyge in the blood
  16. 40. increase in number of cells
  17. 44. pertaining to vertebra or backbone
  18. 46. a torn and jagged wound or an accidental cut wound
  19. 48. the surgical creation of an artificial opening out he body surface
  20. 49. pertaining to the groin
  21. 50. for vessel (blood)
  22. 51. alignment tumor originating in glandular tissue
  23. 52. lower/below/toward the feet
  1. 1. hip socket
  2. 2. for joint
  3. 3. pertaining to back of the organ/body
  4. 4. the surgical loosening an nkylosed joint
  5. 5. an epidemic that is graphically widespread
  6. 6. abnormal enlargement
  7. 8. the study of
  8. 10. pain in a joint or joints
  9. 11. a feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness that is often the first indication of an infection or other disease
  10. 12. pertaining to tissue
  11. 15. pain and suffering
  12. 17. the temporary, partial, or complete disappearance of the symptoms of a disease without having achieved a cure
  13. 18. serration or destruction
  14. 21. cutting or surgical incision
  15. 22. a hospital acquired infection
  16. 23. a widespread occurrence of an infections disease in a community at a Particular time
  17. 25. pertaining to a virus
  18. 27. ongoing presence of disease within a population group
  19. 32. a pounding or racing heart
  20. 33. front f the organ/body
  21. 35. for rupturing
  22. 36. between, but not within the parts of the tissue
  23. 38. change in the structure of cells and their orientation to each other
  24. 39. for deficient or decreased
  25. 41. a set of the signs and symptoms that occur together as part of a specific disease process
  26. 42. softening of the bone
  27. 43. pertaining to sac
  28. 45. specialist
  29. 47. increase in forwar curve of lumbar spine (swayback)