Medical terminology

  1. 2. A patient is under investigation for an inflammation of their skin. This is called…
  2. 3. Someone is visiting their relative who had a hip replacement. What ward should they go to?
  3. 4. A patient has a chronic condition of pain in their muscles. This is called…
  4. 6. Inflammation of the sac around the heart
  5. 8. A patient is going to hospital for a camera investigation of their large intestine, this is called…
  6. 12. A doctor explains that the scan shows the patient has an enlarged liver. This is called…
  7. 14. A patient has severe diarrhoea and vomiting. This is called...
  8. 15. A patient has pain in their uterus. This is called...
  9. 16. A patient has an appointment with a haematologist that you are attending with them. This doctor specialises in…
  1. 1. Doctor specialising in the heart
  2. 5. A patient has an acute and painful inflammation of their pancreas. This is called...
  3. 7. The doctor explains that the patient's heart rate is low. This is called...
  4. 9. Patient has told you they have a history of high blood pressure, this is called…
  5. 10. A nurse asks to take a electrical tracing of the patient’s heart. This is called…
  6. 11. A patient has been diagnosed with a kidney stone. The medical term for this is...
  7. 13. A patient is going into hospital to have a removal of left breast due to cancer. This is called…