Medical Terminology

  1. 3. Doing Bicep Curls is an Example of?
  2. 5. Partial or incomplete separation of a joint
  3. 6. ASAP
  4. 10. Turning the forearm towards the body
  5. 17. CC
  6. 20. BP
  7. 22. Shrugging your shoulders up is an example of?
  8. 24. Doing Terminal Knee Extensions is an Example Of?
  9. 25. Turning the forearm away from the body
  10. 26. pain produced when structure is palpatated
  11. 28. Injury with a long duration
  12. 30. Looseness of the joint
  13. 32. Farthest from midline of the body
  14. 33. Towards the back of the body
  15. 34. If an athlete tells you his shoulder hurts but he has a neck injury its called a?
  1. 1. bid
  2. 2. complete separation of two ends of a joint
  3. 4. Towards or top of the head
  4. 6. amt
  5. 7. My quads are ___ compared to my hamstrings
  6. 8. My hand is ___ compared to my shoulder
  7. 9. My shoulder is ___ Compared to my hand
  8. 11. Movement away from the midline of the body
  9. 12. Closest to the midline of the body
  10. 13. Discoloration of skin resulting from bleeding underneath
  11. 14. Pulling your shoulder blades back is an example of?
  12. 15. A broken bone is an example of what type of injury?
  13. 16. Another word for a bruise
  14. 18. Extreme or Excessive Straightening
  15. 19. Laying Face Up
  16. 21. My knee is ___ compared to my head
  17. 23. Movement Towards the midline of the body
  18. 27. If an athlete dislocated his shoulder and he can't move it fully what does he lack?
  19. 29. Shrugging your shoulders down is an example of?
  20. 31. Laying Face Down