Medical Terminology

  1. 1. You cannot go 2 weeks without ___
  2. 3. The ambulance didnt save her because she has a __ tattoo
  3. 5. I have a bad ___ of cancer
  4. 8. After I hit my knee it started to have a ___ effect
  5. 10. To push away
  6. 11. Abbreviation of blood pressure
  7. 15. My toes are __ to my head
  8. 16. I __ my pinky after i blocked a basketball
  9. 17. Structure that connects bone to bone
  10. 19. My hand is __ to my shoulder
  11. 20. When I pray my neck goes into a __ form
  12. 21. Flexion My toes go in a ___ way when I stand on my tippy toes
  13. 22. Long lasting pain
  14. 24. In my RECENT football game, I rolled my ankle
  15. 25. Pain felt somewhere else then is orgin
  16. 27. My femur is __ into my body
  17. 28. After I touch my injured knee it hurts
  18. 31. My ___ is bad after my ACL tear
  19. 32. Top side of a structure
  20. 33. Your ACL is on the __ of your knee.
  1. 1. Extreme or irregular straightening
  2. 2. When I look up at the sun, my neck goes into a ___ form
  3. 4. Turning the forearm towards the body
  4. 6. Laying face up
  5. 7. Turning the forearm away from the body
  6. 9. Some people sleep in a __ position
  7. 12. To push forward
  8. 13. Bringing the toes toward the body
  9. 14. Your bellybutton is the closest to the __ of your body
  10. 18. Bow Legged people have a ___
  11. 23. My knee has ___ if I move it back and forth
  12. 26. My __ is March 30, 2007
  13. 28. The underside of my foot
  14. 29. My head is __ to my lungs
  15. 30. My shoulder can pop in and out