Medical Terminology

  1. 1. What is it called when a shoulder pops out of place?
  2. 4. What is it called laying face down?
  3. 5. The top of your foot is what to the bottom of your foot?
  4. 7. Swelling in tissues
  5. 8. Bicep curls are an example of what?
  6. 9. The body's response to an injury.
  7. 11. Bench press is an example of?
  8. 12. HR is?
  9. 14. Aorta is what to the capillaries?
  10. 16. BP is?
  11. 21. surgeons cut what to access the bones?
  12. 23. The opposite of elevation
  13. 24. Shrugging your shoulders is an example of what?
  14. 26. A heart attack you might feel the pain in your back is called?
  15. 27. ENT is?
  16. 29. Broken bones are what kind of injuries?
  17. 31. Legs are what to shoulders?
  18. 32. The head is what to the legs?
  19. 33. DNR is?
  1. 2. What is a brusie called?
  2. 3. Shoulder press is an example of?
  3. 4. Closest to the center of the body
  4. 6. What is retracting arms inward called?
  5. 7. The name of the color that happens when you gebruiseusie
  6. 10. Shins are what to the calves?
  7. 13. What is it called doing calf raises at the gym?
  8. 15. Swelling in the joint is called?
  9. 17. Hamstrings is what to quads.?
  10. 18. Leg rasies are an example of what?
  11. 19. What is it called laying face up?
  12. 20. To push forward
  13. 22. What is it called when rotating the forearm with your palm facing up?
  14. 25. The sound of cracking your fingers is called?
  15. 28. what happens when you walk on an uneven surface and your ankle twist hurts for a few days?
  16. 30. ER is?