medical terminology

  1. 6. reflexes overactive and over responsive
  2. 10. infarction death of heart-muscle cells due to occlusion of a vessel; commonly called a heart attack
  3. 11. Heart Failure (CHF) inability of heart to pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body resulting in lung congestion and dyspnea
  4. 13. Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgical creation of an alternate route for blood flow around an area of coronary arterial obstruction
  5. 14. stiff or rigid muscles
  6. 15. absence of enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions.
  7. 16. blood pressure that is consistently higher than 140 systolic, 90 diastolic or both
  1. 1. too much muscle tone
  2. 2. shortness of breath
  3. 3. neuropathy dysfunction of nerves that transmit information to and from the brain and spinal cord, characterized by pain, altered sensation, and muscle weakness
  4. 4. absence of speech
  5. 5. loose and floppy limbs
  6. 7. stiff or inflexible muscle
  7. 8. Accident (CVA) damage or death of brain tissue caused by interruption of blood supply due to clot or vessel rupture AKA stroke
  8. 9. loss of muscle tone or weakness
  9. 12. Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) group of diseases in which alveolar air sacs are destroyed and chronic severe SOB results
  10. 17. Disease progressive degenerative disorder that results in tremors, gait changes, and occasionally dementia → parkinsonism is a condition that resembles parkinson's disease it has a different cause