Medical Terminology

  1. 2. Farther from the trunk.
  2. 4. to turn foot inward.
  3. 8. Towards the back of the body.
  4. 11. A movement of a body part towards the midline.
  5. 12. pertaining to the inside or side towards the midline.
  6. 14. towards the bottom or below a body part.
  7. 15. displacement of a bone from its normal position.
  8. 17. Movement of the foot in an upward motion.
  9. 22. treatment by use of heat.
  10. 26. a position of the body lying face down.
  11. 27. towards the top or above a body part.
  12. 28. a non-elastic tough connective tissue that connects bones to bones.
  13. 29. extension of a joint beyond its normal range of motion.
  14. 31. pertaining to both sides.
  15. 33. A movement of a body part away from the midline.
  16. 34. tough fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone.
  17. 35. the ending point where a muscle attaches to a bone.
  18. 36. rotation to the palm to facing down. Or the sole of the foot moving outward
  19. 37. the process of bending a joint.
  20. 38. the starting point where a muscle attaches to a bone.
  1. 1. stretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon.
  2. 3. stretching or tearing of a ligament.
  3. 5. rotation of the palm facing up. Or the sole of the foot moving inward.
  4. 6. Injury- An injury with a long onset and long duration.
  5. 7. a position of the body lying face up.
  6. 9. a partial dislocation.
  7. 10. the process of straightening a joint.
  8. 13. to turn foot outward.
  9. 16. narrowing of the blood vessels.
  10. 18. Movement of the foot in an downward motion.
  11. 19. dilation (expanding) of the blood vessels.
  12. 20. an increase in the size of a muscle or organ
  13. 21. Injury- A recent, traumatic injury that has a short duration.
  14. 23. flexion of a joint beyond its normal range of motion.
  15. 24. treatment by use of cold.
  16. 25. pertaining to the outside or side away from the midline.
  17. 30. Closer to the trunk.
  18. 32. Towards the front of the body.