medical terminology

  1. 3. the body cavity that includes the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavity
  2. 7. atrium name of the left upper chamber of the heart
  3. 8. outer layer of the skin
  4. 13. red blood cell
  5. 15. the body system responsible for the secretion of hormones
  6. 16. components of blood essential to clotting
  7. 18. the body system responsible for transporting blood carrying oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste. Organs include the heart and blood vessels
  8. 20. enlargement of the liver
  9. 21. relating to the liver
  10. 22. largest artery located near the heart
  1. 1. painful or difficult urination
  2. 2. inflammation of the tendon
  3. 4. white blood cell
  4. 5. the first vein of choice in blood collection
  5. 6. the second choice of vein in blood collection
  6. 9. between the muscle
  7. 10. specialist doctor for the heart
  8. 11. the body system that ensures a constant supply of oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  9. 12. abnormal heart rate
  10. 14. fast heart rate
  11. 17. slow heart rate
  12. 19. the body system involved in breaking down food into smaller particles
  13. 20. high blood pressure