Medical Terminology

  1. 2. low blood count
  2. 5. study of the heart
  3. 7. cancerous mass
  4. 10. stroke
  5. 13. joint pain
  6. 16. removing and viewing live tissue
  7. 17. instrument to visualize joint
  8. 19. viewing personally a dead body
  9. 21. instrument to visualize urinary bladder
  10. 22. study of life
  1. 1. inflammation of a gland
  2. 3. process of visualizing urinary bladder
  3. 4. record of joint
  4. 6. pertaining to heart
  5. 8. Likes to chase mice
  6. 9. inflammation of joint
  7. 11. process of visualizing joint
  8. 12. tumor of a gland
  9. 14. study of the cells
  10. 15. pertaining to head
  11. 18. pertaining to cerebellum
  12. 20. Man's best friend