  1. 3. process of taking a sonogram
  2. 4. lack of blood flow
  3. 6. membrane surrounding the heart
  4. 9. condition of the vessels
  5. 13. fibrous condition of the arteries
  6. 15. slow heart rhythm
  7. 16. abnormal increase in the white blood cell count
  8. 17. ventricular fibrillation
  9. 18. lymphatic system cells
  10. 20. process of looking in the vessels
  1. 1. hardening
  2. 2. abnormal heart rhythm
  3. 5. red blood cells
  4. 7. inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
  5. 8. fast heart rhythm
  6. 10. pain in the heart
  7. 11. hardening arteries
  8. 12. process of taking pictures of slices of the body
  9. 14. picture made by x-rays
  10. 19. deficiency, decrease