medical terminology

  1. 4. cancer of the white blood cells
  2. 8. lacking water
  3. 12. to move away
  4. 13. enlargement of the colon
  5. 15. composed of different materials
  6. 16. in excess number
  7. 17. underproduction of a substance
  8. 18. remove calcium
  9. 19. false name
  10. 20. backward flow
  11. 21. having a blood clot
  12. 23. frequent discharge of fluid fecal matter
  13. 24. agent used to prevent infection
  1. 1. difficult or abnormal
  2. 2. pertaining to the elements and their interactions
  3. 3. composed of similar cells
  4. 5. easy or painless death
  5. 6. cut
  6. 7. false paralysis
  7. 9. newborn infant
  8. 10. not able to contain or control discharge of excretions
  9. 11. normal blood volume
  10. 14. through the skin
  11. 17. high body temperature
  12. 22. dark pigment that colors hair and skin