Medical Terminology

  1. 2. bug that lives on the outside of the body
  2. 5. disease of the heart muscle
  3. 6. around a vessel
  4. 8. to surgically remove a kidney
  5. 10. slow heart rate
  6. 12. bug that lives on the inside of the body
  7. 15. surgical puncture into the chest cavity
  8. 16. inflammation of the mammary glands
  9. 17. surgical puncture of the bladder
  10. 20. inflammation of the eyelids
  11. 22. the study of the stomach/intestines
  12. 24. a tumor of fat
  13. 25. to cut into the bladder
  14. 26. absent breathing
  15. 27. absent pain
  16. 28. to cut into the intestine
  17. 29. medication that prevents vomiting
  1. 1. to cut into a kidney
  2. 3. study of disease
  3. 4. red blood cell
  4. 7. study of the heart
  5. 9. blue in color
  6. 11. inflammation of the skin
  7. 13. inflammation of the joints
  8. 14. all white blood cells lines are low
  9. 18. surgical removal of ovaries and uterus
  10. 19. inflammation of the heart
  11. 21. white blood cell
  12. 23. deficient or low oxygen