Medical Terminology

  1. 2. / slow pulse
  2. 7. / pertaining to one side
  3. 9. / within the skin
  4. 11. / pertaining to the head
  5. 12. / a bluish discoloration of the skin
  6. 16. / Combine ot/o and -rrhea
  7. 17. / excessive vomiting
  8. 19. / removal of a small piece of living tissue
  9. 20. / very large red blood cell
  10. 21. / pertaining to the kidneys
  11. 24. / absence of air or oxygen
  12. 25. / inflammation of the skin
  1. 1. / yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes
  2. 3. / difficulty in swallowing
  3. 4. / plural of diagnosis
  4. 5. / pertaining to both sides
  5. 6. / fast pulse
  6. 8. / a wasting because of disease
  7. 10. / cutting into the windpipe
  8. 13. / pertaining to the death of tissue
  9. 14. / Combine ot/o and -tomy
  10. 15. / iron-containing pigment of blood
  11. 18. / pertaining to the peritoneum
  12. 22. / pertaining to the stomach
  13. 23. / dissolving of blood cells