Medical Terminology

  1. 2. Away from the body's surface
  2. 4. Movement towards the midline of the body
  3. 10. Away from the attachment of a limb
  4. 11. Anterior aspect of a structure
  5. 12. Occurs when you move your thumb across your hand to meet your 5th digit
  6. 14. Movement that turns the sole of the foot away from the midline
  7. 15. Movement that turns the sole of the foot towards the midline
  8. 16. One point being higher than another
  9. 18. Pertaining to the back of the body
  10. 19. Close to the body's surface
  1. 1. Movement of a limb in a circular motion
  2. 3. Movement that turns the palm of the hand down
  3. 4. Movement away from the midline of the body
  4. 5. Posterior aspect or a structure
  5. 6. Pertaining to the front of the body
  6. 7. Movement that turns the palm of the hand up
  7. 8. A straightening movement around a joint to restore it to anatomical position
  8. 9. One point being lower than another
  9. 13. A bending movement around a joint in a limb away from its straightened position
  10. 17. Toward the attachment of the limb to the trunk