Medical Terminology

  1. 2. medicines that fight bacterial infections in people and animals.
  2. 3. / A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.
  3. 5. worker / an academic discipline and practice-based profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups, communities, and society as a whole
  4. 6. / often involving cutting into the body.
  5. 7. / the basic membrane-bound unit that contains the fundamental molecules of life and of which all living things are composed
  6. 11. / an amazing three-pound organ that controls all functions of the body, interprets information from the outside world, and embodies the essence of the mind and soul.
  7. 12. / an instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be provided a medicine or treatment.
  8. 13. / A disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue.
  9. 14. / the process of meeting with a therapist to resolve problematic behaviors, beliefs, feelings, relationship issues, and/or somatic responses
  10. 16. / a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
  11. 17. / a qualified practitioner of medicine
  1. 1. / a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health providers.
  2. 4. / the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.
  3. 6. / A disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel, and behave clearly.
  4. 7. / the state of something with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order.
  5. 8. / the organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community.
  6. 9. / a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
  7. 10. / medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury.
  8. 12. / a store where medicinal drugs are dispensed and sold.
  9. 15. / a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating disease and injury, using medical imaging techniques such as x-rays