Medical Terminology

  1. 5. : Pertaining to fat.
  2. 7. : High blood sugar.
  3. 10. : Difficulty breathing.
  4. 11. : Pertaining to blood vessls.
  5. 13. : Collapsed lung.
  6. 14. : State of a unconsciousness where the patient cannot be awoken.
  7. 16. : Upper jaw.
  8. 17. : Non - cancerous.
  9. 18. : pertaining to the kidney
  10. 20. : Gland inflammation.
  1. 1. : Slow heartbeat.
  2. 2. : tube that carries food to the stomach
  3. 3. : Intestine.
  4. 4. : High levels of calcium in the blood.
  5. 6. : Simple sugar.
  6. 8. : Male hormone produced by testes.
  7. 9. : Pertaining to the mouth.
  8. 12. : Pertaining to the kidney.
  9. 15. : Tooth pain.
  10. 19. : Lying on the belly.