Medical Terminology

  1. 10. EEG means
  2. 12. Give the meaning of the root hepato
  3. 13. STAT means?
  4. 14. Give the root of skin
  5. 17. What body electrolyte is K?
  6. 18. pt is the abbreviation for?
  7. 20. TB stands for what disease?
  8. 23. The prefix "anti" means?
  9. 24. What is CC stands for?
  1. 1. CVA stands for what disease?
  2. 2. BM means?
  3. 3. The suffix "pathy" means
  4. 4. What is the root "cyst" means?
  5. 5. "dextro" on to the ____ side
  6. 6. DM stands for what disease?
  7. 7. What is the abbreviation for before operation?
  8. 8. What is the root "necro" means?
  9. 9. -plegia means____
  10. 11. The suffix "itis" means
  11. 15. The prefix "tachy" means
  12. 16. HTN stands for what disease?
  13. 19. PRN means?
  14. 21. PO means?
  15. 22. What body electrolyte is Ca?
  16. 24. CA stands for what disease?