Medical Terminology

  1. 2. Not malignant, nonrecurrent, in favor for recovery.
  2. 4. Tissue that connects, supports, penetrates and encases various body structures.
  3. 6. Similar cells that perform specific functions.
  4. 7. When a group of organs works together to perform complex body functions.
  5. 9. Genetic material that regulates the activities of a cell.
  6. 11. Largest structure usually spherical/in the middle.
  7. 13. membrane In which forms the boundary of the cell.
  8. 14. Study of tissue
  9. 15. These determine hereditary characteristics.
  10. 18. Large internal organs in our body cavities.
  11. 19. Tumor composed of muscle (benign)
  12. 20. Having a fever.
  1. 1. There are 46 of these located in the nucleus.
  2. 3. Tissue found in the spinal cord, nerves, and brain that coordinates and controls body activities.
  3. 5. Two or more types of tissue that assist each other in performing bodily functions.
  4. 8. Type of tissue that produces movement in the body.
  5. 10. Basic unit for all living organisms.
  6. 12. The gel-like fluid found in cells.
  7. 16. Having to do with or pertaining to the body.
  8. 17. Complete set of genes for all the cells of a specific organism.
  9. 21. Tissue in which acts as the covering of the external surface of our body.